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Daily Maintenance of Flour Processing Equipment
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Daily maintenance methods for flour processing equipment:

1. Keep clean

During daily use, flour machinery and equipment should be kept clean, and the surface and internal parts of the equipment should be cleaned regularly to avoid the accumulation of dust and impurities. When cleaning, be careful to avoid direct contact with the equipment with water or detergents containing chemical substances to avoid damage to the equipment.

2. Regular inspection

Flour machinery and equipment should be inspected regularly, including the transmission parts, bearings, chains, gears and other parts of the equipment. During the inspection, the wear of the equipment should be carefully checked. If the parts are found to be severely worn, they should be replaced in time. At the same time, the sealing of the equipment should be checked to ensure that there is no leakage of powder or oil.

3. Lubrication and maintenance

Lubrication and maintenance of flour machinery and equipment are very important. The equipment should be lubricated regularly to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. When lubricating, choose a suitable lubricant and lubricate it according to the instruction manual of the equipment. In addition, the lubricant should be replaced regularly to keep the lubrication system clean.

4. Adjust the equipment

During the use of flour machinery and equipment, appropriate adjustments should be made to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. For example, when adjusting the belt, follow the instruction manual of the equipment to avoid over-tightening or over-loosening. If you find that the equipment is not running smoothly or there are abnormal sounds, make adjustments in time.

5. Pay attention to safety

Pay attention to safety during the use of flour machinery and equipment. When operating, follow the safe operating procedures of the equipment to avoid safety accidents. At the same time, pay attention to the electrical safety of the equipment, regularly check whether the electrical circuits and equipment are normal, and avoid electrical accidents.

In short, it is very important to do a good job of daily maintenance of flour machinery and equipment, which can extend the service life of the equipment, improve the operating efficiency of the equipment, and reduce maintenance costs. Therefore, operators must conscientiously implement the daily maintenance system of the equipment, perform maintenance and maintenance as required, and ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

Daily Maintenance of Flour Processing Equipment(pic1)